
SureShot IP - Case Studies Module Starts From 01st May, 2024
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Dr. Ashish Makhija

Dr. Ashish Makhija stands as a distinguished figure in the field of insolvency, wielding a profound influence that has helped shape the dynamic landscape of Insolvency Law. His dedication to disseminating knowledge shines through his roles as an educator, mentor, and guide for professionals seeking expertise in this field. His commitment to nurturing the next generation underscores his fervent passion for advancing the domain.
Participants admire Dr. Makhija’s distinctive delivery style, which adds a unique charm to his educational endeavors. Furthermore, his influence extends beyond the classroom through a rich portfolio of 14 best-selling books and meticulously researched articles.
Dr. Ashish Makhija’s legacy reflects the transformative potential of passion and expertise. His multifaceted contributions, spanning academia and professional practice, underscore his profound commitment to advancing legal domains. His impact resonates throughout the Insolvency Law community, earning him recognition as a luminary and a driving force for change in this crucial area of law.

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